CCWBE Report

Sankofa Wellness Village: Community Grocer Initiative
Reporting Period:
May 2024
Submitted on:
June 10, 2024
Submitted By:
Patrick Landes

Pre-Development Projects

Project Goals

What proportion of Goal 1 overall is complete at this point?


What are the barriers and opportunities for completion that impacted goal 1 in the last month?

We are waiting for the City to select the developer. The City keeps delaying the the decision

What proportion of Goal 2 overall is complete at this point?


What are the barriers and opportunities for completion that you impacted goal 2 in the last month?

The City did not make an announcement in May, Instead, the City now wants the development teams to get LOIs from possible grocery stores. Rather than selecting the developer and then the developer and community working together to identifying a grocer.

What proportion of Goal 3 overall is complete at this point?


What are the barriers and opportunities for completion that you impacted goal 3 in the last month?

The working group is ready to use the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business negotiation research for this project. The working group is also interested in engaging Obran Cooperative and Project Equity to transition the grocery development to a worker-owned cooperative once the developer is selected..

CWB Ecosystem

Did you access Technical Assistance for your CWB project last month?


Have you worked with TA Provider within the Phase I CWEB grantees or outside the Phase I CWEB grantees or Both?


Which TA provider(s) did you work with within the Phase I CWEB grantees?

Which TA providers did you work with OUTSIDE of the Phase I CWEB grantees?

Did someone from your organization attend the Working Group this month?


How would you rate the usefulness of the working group to your project last month? (on a scale of 1-5)

How would you rate the usefulness of the Working Group for building community?

What have been the two most valuable contributions of the Working Group this month?

Please share any comments about the working group meetings.

How many TOTAL housing units did you preserve or create last month? (it is okay if the answer is zero)


How many TOTAL CWB businesses did you develop last month? (it is okay if the answer is zero)


Community Engagement

Number of stakeholder meetings held related to your Pre-Development Project?


Number of community meetings attended last month related to your Pre-Development Project?


Organizational Capacity

Service / Capacity

Service Capacity

Accounting & Financial Management



3 some ability

Conflict Resolution

3 some ability

Cooperative Development and Operations

1 limited ability

Education & Training


Fundraising or Raising Capital

3 some ability

Governance / Legal

3 some ability

Marketing & Communications

3 some ability



Project Management

3 some ability

Real Estate Acquisition & Development

3 some ability

Relationship Building

3 some ability



Other (please describe and include ranking)

What constraints or limitations with internal capacity is the organizarion experiencing related to its Pre-Development Project?

Staffing is a limitation right now but with CWB support we will be able to hire help to support advocacy and project management once the developer is selected.

What opportunities, if any, did the organization take advantage of related to its Pre-Development Project?

No updates in April

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