CCWBE Report

Illinois Worker Cooperative Alliance - Seed Commons
Reporting Period:
Aug 2024
Submitted on:
October 3, 2024
Submitted By:
Jason Tompkins

TA Providers: General Questions

CWB Goals

Please provide a brief update on your progress toward your proposed CWB goals in the last reporting period:

In August, Chicago Community and Workers’ Rights (CCWR) supported the development of the following Worker Cooperatives: Cocina Compartida de Trabajadores Cooperativistas (CCTC), Street Vendors Kitchen (SVK), Proyecto Avance and the Bees Cooperative (Driving Cooperative). Our organization also worked with the Street Vendors Association of Chicago (SVAC). Cocina Compartida de Trabajadores Cooperativistas (CCTC) CCWR had 3 group reunions with CCTC in the month of August. During these meetings, members discussed their recent city kitchen inspection and were able to get their license from the city. They also talked about their upcoming last inspection from the Department of Health, as well as property taxes for the kitchen. They discussed a potential deadline for paying membership fees, and gave information of a grant to all vendors. Proyecto Avance CCWR had 1 group reunion with Proyecto Avance in the month of August. They discussed continuing the cooperative after putting it on pause for a few months, and also wanted to know about new immigration policies that affect their members. Street Vendors Kitchen (SVK) Our organization had 2 group reunions in August with the Street Vendors Kitchen cooperative. They talked about their upcoming tamale tasting event that they will have to choose the best tamale recipe, and then they will produce that recipe at the cooperative. It will be a community event where attendees will taste all tamales and vote. Bees Cooperative (Driving Cooperative) CCWR had 1 group reunion and 3 one-on-one meetings with the Bees Cooperative this month of August. Members presented a draft of a business plan, sent the bylaws of a well-known New York driver cooperative to members as an example, and discussed those bylaws. CCWR also gave a workshop on governance and basic cooperative financial fundamentals. IL Worker Cooperative Alliance supported lending memo development for Chicago Cane Cooperative, Cooperation Racine, Wisconnect and Dashstone BPO.

What constraints or limitations, if any, did you experience in the last reporting period?

In August, the Bees Cooperative expressed needing legal support to get the specific driving permits needed to start their cooperative. They can't start until they get these permits, but still don't know who to contact. The cooperative their modeling is from NYC and they have different rules and regulations.

What opportunities, if any, did you take advantage of in the last reporting period?


Chicago CWB Ecosystem

Did you establish new CWB relationships/partnerships in the last reporting period?


Please describe the relationships you established pertaining to your CWB work.

Did you collaborate with other TA providers in the last reporting period?


Which TA provider(s) did you work with?

Please share on behalf of whom / which projects you collaborated with the TA providers above:

Did you attend the Working Group meeting last month?


How would you rate the usefulness of the working group to your project last month? (on a scale of 1-5)

5 extremely useful

Optional Space

Demographic Data

Community Area(s) (select all that apply)

Community Area Participants Served in this Community Area
West Englewood 5
Rogers Park 3
South Lawndale 12
Lower West Side 3


Race / Ethnicity of Participants (select all that apply)



Gender identity of Participants (select all that apply)



Age Range of Participants (select all that apply)

25 to 34
35 to 49
50 to 64


Worker Coop Work

How many sessions of one-on-one consulting to Worker Cooperatives, Conversions, or Co-op Developers did you conduct this reporting period? (e.g. one group or individual with one training provider)?



How many group workshops for Worker Cooperatives, Conversions, or Co-op Developers did you conduct this reporting period? (e.g. convenings, workshops, events, etc.)



How many hours of support to CWB Pre-Development Worker Cooperatives, Conversions, or Co-op Developers did you provide this reporting period?



How many hours of support to existing Worker Cooperatives, Conversions, or Co-op Developers did you provide this reporting period?



How many co-op businesses did you develop last reporting period? (It's okay if the answer is 0)



How many jobs were created overall last reporting period? (It's okay if the answer is 0)



Please list the Worker Cooperatives, Conversions, or Co-op Developers Organizations you worked with this reporting period.

Cocina Compartida de Trabajadores Cooperativistas (CCTC)
Street Vendors Association of Chicago
Cooperation Racine
Chicago Cane Cooperative
WisConnect Holding Cooperative LWCA
HAZ Cooperative Studios


What type(s) of Technical Assistance did you provide to Worker Cooperatives, Conversions, or Co-op Developers this reporting period? Select all that apply.


Did you provide education to any Worker Cooperatives, Conversions, or Co-op Developers this reporting period?



How many hours of cohort education/training did you provide last month?



How many hours of popular education/outreach did you provide last month?



Number of curriculum material(s) created last month



How did you market your services and conduct outreach in the last reporting period? Select all that apply.

Word-of-mouth marketing
Social Media Marketing (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn)


What are the greatest needs that your WC clients/partners expressed in this reporting period?

The majority of the cooperative members we work with are requesting workshops tailored to their specific cooperative needs about how to better manage the cooperatives themselves as well as their financing.


What are the greatest gaps in service or resources in Chicago's CWB ecosystem?

As we stated before, the lack of accounting, financial and legal services for worker cooperatives is one of the greatest gaps in Chicago’s web ecosystem.


Please share any direct testimonials from Worker Cooperatives, Conversions, or Co-op Developers clients or storytelling about the impact of your work this period:



Please upload media (document with testimonials, photos, or video links) from WC workshops or events held.


Community Investment Vehicles Work

How many sessions of one-on-one consulting to Community Investment Vehicles (CIVs) did you conduct this reporting period? (e.g. one group or individual with one training provider)?



How many group workshops for Community Investment Vehicles (CIVs) did you conduct this reporting period? (e.g. convenings, workshops, events, etc.) 



How many hours of support to CWB Pre-Development Community Investment Vehicles did you provide this reporting period?



How many hours of support to existing Community Investment Vehicles did you provide this reporting period?



How many co-op businesses did you develop last reporting period? (It's okay if the answer is 0)



How many total owners / founders were there in these businesses?



How many jobs were created overall last reporting period? (It's okay if the answer is 0)



Please list the Community Investment Vehicles you worked with this reporting period.



Other organization (please specify):



What type(s) of Technical Assistance did you provide to Community Investment Vehicles this reporting period? Select all that apply.


Did you provide education to any Community Investment Vehicles this reporting period?



What are the greatest needs that your Community Investment Vehicle clients/partners expressed in this reporting period?



What are the greatest gaps in service or resources in Chicago's CWB ecosystem?



Please share any direct testimonials from Community Investment Vehicle clients or storytelling about the impact of your work this period:



Please upload media (document with testimonials, photos, or video links) from Community Investment Vehicle workshops or events held.


Additional TA Support

Did your organization provide any additional TA support this reporting period that was NOT covered in the previous tabs?



Please describe the type(s) of organizations you supported (i.e. nonprofits, business service orgs, etc.)


How many total organizations or entities did you support (that were not covered in the previous tabs)?


How many total hours of support did you provide to these organizations?


Please share any other relevant details about the support you provided these organizations: