CCWBE Report

Center for Changing Lives
Reporting Period:
Jul – Sept 2023
Submitted on:
October 13, 2023
Submitted By:
Julian Arroyo

TA Providers: General Questions

CWB Goals

Please provide a brief update on your progress toward your proposed CWB goals in the last reporting period:

Given our teams slower-to-start program launch in Q2 due to a few varying factors, such as the onboarding of our new worker cooperative small business coach and researching/understanding cooperatives as a whole, this quarter we began to make significant traction towards our overall work plan goals. We had canvassed at least 5 different community based events, hosted 2 successful events ourselves, joint-canvassed with 39th district State Representative, and provided direct coaching to 14 aspiring and current business owners. We had found the most success in our canvassing efforts at BACP's Small Business Expo on 9/30, connecting with over 75 individuals and spreading awareness of the Community Wealth Building Initiative. As a result of these efforts and other canvassing opporuntunites, we have secured a strong pipeline of prospective coaching clients that is extremrely likely to cover our remaining deliverables for Q4.

What constraints or limitations, if any, did you experience in the last reporting period?

July was a bit slow to start and we lacked community interest and outreach opportunities, and as a result, our deliverables were slower to start in Q3. We also have had some challenges connecting with exisiting worker cooperatives here in the City of Chicago. This has limited our capacities to be able to effectively demonstrate the feasibility of worker cooperatives as a viable business model.

What opportunities, if any, did you take advantage of in the last reporting period?

We leveraged BACP's Small Business Expo to spread the word about worker cooperatives as a whole and were able to capture contact information from over 75+ individuals interested in our services; separate from the folks who shared their information, we communicated the CWB Initiative to a very large number outside of those 75+ indiviudals. We also participated in joint-canvassing opportunities with our State Representative on 2 separate occasions. In addition, we took to our local Logan Square neighborhood for door-to-door canvassing as well to share basic worker cooperative educational materials and shared information regarding upcoming workshop opportunities.

Chicago CWB Ecosystem

Did you establish new CWB relationships/partnerships in the last reporting period?


Please describe the relationships you established pertaining to your CWB work.

Our collaboration with Coop-Ed Center has expanded our outreach efforts to the community, bringing awareness to worker cooperatives as a viable business model. CWB Ecosystem has also given space for future collaborations with other organizations doing similar work.

Did you collaborate with other TA providers in the last reporting period?


Which TA provider(s) did you work with?

Please share on behalf of whom / which projects you collaborated with the TA providers above:

Did you attend the Working Group meeting last month?


How would you rate the usefulness of the working group to your project last month? (on a scale of 1-5)


Optional Space

Demographic Data

Gender identity of Participants (select all that apply)



Age Range of Participants (select all that apply)

25 to 34
35 to 49
50 to 64


Worker Coop Work

How many sessions of one-on-one consulting to Worker Cooperatives, Conversions, or Co-op Developers did you conduct this reporting period? (e.g. one group or individual with one training provider)?



How many group workshops for Worker Cooperatives, Conversions, or Co-op Developers did you conduct this reporting period? (e.g. convenings, workshops, events, etc.)



How many hours of support to CWB Pre-Development Worker Cooperatives, Conversions, or Co-op Developers did you provide this reporting period?



How many hours of support to existing Worker Cooperatives, Conversions, or Co-op Developers did you provide this reporting period?



How many co-op businesses did you develop last reporting period? (It's okay if the answer is 0)



How many jobs were created overall last reporting period? (It's okay if the answer is 0)



Please list the Worker Cooperatives, Conversions, or Co-op Developers Organizations you worked with this reporting period.



What type(s) of Technical Assistance did you provide to Worker Cooperatives, Conversions, or Co-op Developers this reporting period? Select all that apply.


Did you provide education to any Worker Cooperatives, Conversions, or Co-op Developers this reporting period?



What are the greatest needs that your WC clients/partners expressed in this reporting period?

More educational content and information on worker cooperative development


What are the greatest gaps in service or resources in Chicago's CWB ecosystem?

Connecting with already established worker cooperatives and understanding the legal barriers potential developers might face


Please share any direct testimonials from Worker Cooperatives, Conversions, or Co-op Developers clients or storytelling about the impact of your work this period:

Yovani Medina: started cleaning service LLC, is open to exploring worker cooperative model if he is to hire employees. would like to explore structure and operations.


Please upload media (document with testimonials, photos, or video links) from WC workshops or events held.