CCWBE Report

Voice of the People in Uptown, Inc.
Reporting Period:
Nov 2024
Submitted on:
January 8, 2025
Submitted By:
Pedro Morales Jr.

Pre-Development Projects

Project Goals

What proportion of Goal 1 overall is complete at this point?


What are the barriers and opportunities for completion that impacted goal 1 in the last month?

• With hiring of Managing Director of the Trust being delayed for funding, emphasis is being placed on training and development of Owner Services Specialist to provide strong administrative support, along with Executive Director and Finance Manager at Voice as fiscal agent. He is someone with lived experience in homelessness, who is mastering research on database and mapping, that is key to future community/member outreach efforts, attending meetings of local/citywide allies and ecosystem service providers, and is learning the issues of asset managers, property managers and resident services providers -- whose focus is on preservation and innovative strategies, like CLTs. • By-Law changes to governance and other provisions discussed at prior meetings were updated by our outside TA Providers at the University of Chicago, Department of Law, Housing Initiatives Transactional Clinic, and we were provided guidance (11/21) on notices and voting procedures to fill current and anticipated vacancies at the next planned meeting (January 2025)

What proportion of Goal 2 overall is complete at this point?


What are the barriers and opportunities for completion that you impacted goal 2 in the last month?

• With about 80% of committed City grant funds still outstanding, and the need to meet with DPD officials on challenges of vouchering for start-up organizations (not acquisition and development projects), the organization has adjusted expectation of member benefit breakthroughs, except in the area of property tax relief, where the organization has advanced training to owners, demonstrated how appeals can yield better results with social cost appeals, and actually won approval for tax exempt status on properties slated for Trust – being realized gradually through year end with certifications and refunds.

What proportion of Goal 3 overall is complete at this point?


What are the barriers and opportunities for completion that you impacted goal 3 in the last month?

• As reported in September, Voice decided to seek an alternative lender or CDFI to be fiscal sponsor of the Dovie Thurman Affordable Housing Trust and three pilot properties slated for it. With that has come delays to the Education, Outreach & Marketing efforts – raising awareness of this kind of CLT strategy and pitching the prospect of membership to affordable housing owners. Fortunately, this adjustment and plans to develop RFP for potential new sponsors coincided with onset of technical assistance from Ownership Initiatives, with exchanges of calls, correspondence and marketing documents leading up to COLT Activation Plan Presentations December 4th. • Redrafting of TA Provider “Activation Plan” presentation material began in November, and the outline and contents for this both mirrored and informed drafting of RFP planned for late December

CWB Ecosystem

Did you access Technical Assistance for your CWB project last month?


Which TA provider(s) did you work with within the Phase I CWEB grantees?

Which TA providers did you work with OUTSIDE of the Phase I CWEB grantees?

Did someone from your organization attend the Working Group this month?


How would you rate the usefulness of the working group to your project last month? (on a scale of 1-5)

How would you rate the usefulness of the Working Group for building community?

What have been the two most valuable contributions of the Working Group this month?

Please share any comments about the working group meetings.

How many TOTAL housing units did you preserve or create last month? (it is okay if the answer is zero)


How many TOTAL CWB businesses did you develop last month? (it is okay if the answer is zero)


Community Engagement

Number of stakeholder meetings held related to your Pre-Development Project?


Number of community meetings attended last month related to your Pre-Development Project?


Organizational Capacity

Service / Capacity

Service Capacity

Accounting & Financial Management

5 extensive ability


5 extensive ability

Conflict Resolution


Cooperative Development and Operations


Education & Training


Fundraising or Raising Capital

5 extensive ability

Governance / Legal


Marketing & Communications




Project Management

5 extensive ability

Real Estate Acquisition & Development

5 extensive ability

Relationship Building

5 extensive ability


5 extensive ability

Other (please describe and include ranking)

What constraints or limitations with internal capacity is the organizarion experiencing related to its Pre-Development Project?

• The slow down of funding from City of Chicago grant resources has limited our internal capacity to advance objectives for the Dovie Trust as fast as planned, but this is only for lack of time backed by revenues. However, progress is happening every month and we have achieved most of our realistic objectives considering this limitation. The unexpected new strategy for identifying a lender/CDFI/fiscal sponsor for the Trust is seen less as a barrier or limitation to progress, and more as opportunity to enlist an institutional partner that can enhance organizational capacity going forward.

What opportunities, if any, did the organization take advantage of related to its Pre-Development Project?

• As referenced earlier, the TA offered via Ownership Initiatives has been well-timed to support development of RFP materials in recruitment of institutional sponsor and prepare materials that can be used for multiple audiences for 2025 Outreach, Education & Marketing.

Optional Space

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