What proportion of Goal 1 overall is complete at this point?
What are the barriers and opportunities for completion that impacted goal 1 in the last month?
New partnerships and TA: Polsky Center; Access Living these impact our communications and Accessibility strategy planning. Held preliminary meetings with COTA. Staff, COTA, Access Living planned and drafted final scopes of work for digital accessibility, etc. Core team held meetings twice weekly. Defined Advisory council, gaps & process for onboarding. Core Team Planned and facilitated 4 coop 101 workshops. UHAB Tech Assistance T4T training delay from 2023 to Fall 2024 affects our training series workshop schedule. Due to this we haven’t been able to engage our potential shareholders nor conduct Member selection & Shareholder commitment. Convened Artists, entrepreneurs and organizations at June event. Identified case studies for Feasibility and workshops.
What proportion of Goal 2 overall is complete at this point?
What are the barriers and opportunities for completion that you impacted goal 2 in the last month?
Feasibility study editing in process. Developed Scopes of work for final edit and layout. Clarified project description in strategic process of Goal 3. Completed stakeholder analysis, market analysis, building types, community analysis and environmental survey for Feasibility study. Preliminary meeting with Prim Lawrence re: Financial analysis.
What proportion of Goal 3 overall is complete at this point?
What are the barriers and opportunities for completion that you impacted goal 3 in the last month?
Staff held regular meetings twice weekly to meet milestone goals. Completed work with strategic planning consultant. Updated strategic planning and refined mission, vision, values in slide deck. Core team established roles and responsibilities and defined scopes of work to hire consultants, engage advisory and development teams. Staff established relationship and held multiple meetings with Behyyve for architectural services. Staff developed accounting scope of work.
Did you access Technical Assistance for your CWB project last month?
Which TA provider(s) did you work with within the Phase I CWEB grantees?
TA Provider | Hours Spent | Satisfaction |
Center for Urban Economic Development (CUED) |
18 |
Very satisfied |
UIC Law - Community Enterprise & Solidarity Economy Clinic (CESEC) |
4 |
Somewhat satisfied |
Center for Changing Lives |
1 |
Very satisfied |
Urban Homesteading Assistance Board (UHAB) |
32 |
Very satisfied |
Chicago Community Loan Fund |
14 |
Very satisfied |
Which TA providers did you work with OUTSIDE of the Phase I CWEB grantees?
TA Provider | Hours Spent | Satisfaction |
Chicago Access Collaborative |
3 |
Very satisfied |
40 |
Very satisfied |
Access Living |
5 |
Very satisfied |
Polsky center |
20 |
Very satisfied |
Did someone from your organization attend the Working Group this month?
How would you rate the usefulness of the working group to your project last month? (on a scale of 1-5)
Very useful
How would you rate the usefulness of the Working Group for building community?
Very useful
What have been the two most valuable contributions of the Working Group this month?
Please share any comments about the working group meetings.
Hope they continue post grant period
How many TOTAL housing units did you preserve or create last month? (it is okay if the answer is zero)
How many TOTAL CWB businesses did you develop last month? (it is okay if the answer is zero)
Number of stakeholder meetings held related to your Pre-Development Project?
Number of community meetings attended last month related to your Pre-Development Project?
Service / Capacity
Service | Capacity |
Accounting & Financial Management |
4 |
Advocacy |
3 some ability |
Conflict Resolution |
3 some ability |
Cooperative Development and Operations |
4 |
Education & Training |
5 extensive ability |
Fundraising or Raising Capital |
3 some ability |
Governance / Legal |
3 some ability |
Marketing & Communications |
3 some ability |
Other |
N/A |
Project Management |
3 some ability |
Real Estate Acquisition & Development |
4 |
Relationship Building |
5 extensive ability |
Research |
5 extensive ability |
Other (please describe and include ranking)
What constraints or limitations with internal capacity is the organizarion experiencing related to its Pre-Development Project?
Secure additional investment for predevelopment of our project ○ staffing, organizing, training future owners, project management, and needed/required acquisitions ❑ Grow organizational capacity (volunteers, interns, technology, etc.) ❑ Develop a communications plan ❑ Update the project development work plan ❑ Identify new income streams ❑ Expand the evaluation processes for measuring growth/success
What opportunities, if any, did the organization take advantage of related to its Pre-Development Project?
initiated accessiblilty consulting relationships; Secure additional investment for predevelopment of our project ○ staffing, organizing, training future owners, project management, and needed/required acquisitions ❑ Available mixed-use buildings with side lots for green space. ○ Renovation of existing buildings with NetZero/green construction ❑ Philanthropic, Lender, Civic, and Government support and resources for development projects ○ Opportunities to build relationships and partner with PWD-led organizations ○ Formalize partnerships and collaborations with local, state, and federal government; artists; funders; and other organizations. ○ Potential creation of arts district(s) with other, non-arts, organizations and businesses ❑ Community investment and crowdfunding ❑ Create leverage via: ○ Support from South Shore Quality of Life Plan (QLP) ○ ETOD (Equitable Transit-Oriented Development) ○ Environmental/green funding ❑ Apply knowledge transfer from: ○ Obama Presidential Center ADA planning model ○ Tech quotient ○ Design innovations ❑ Leverage community amenities including lakefront and South Shore Cultural Center
Please use this space to elaborate, contextualize, or add any additional info about the details submitted in your report:
There is also a cover sheet that references some of the things in this report which we included with our May 2024 reimbursement request.