Please provide a brief update on your progress toward your proposed CWB goals in the last reporting period:
Las Visionarias - We spent the last two meetings of the year updating the prices of the Menu and evaluating how well the two new members are working out. The work has slowed down a bit and we’re trying to find new opportunities that they are eligible for. We also talked about the need for policy changes in the city of Chicago that would allow women to certify their own kitchens. This will make it easier for small food entrepreneurs to start their own businesses from home. Cities across Massachusetts, including Arlington, Concord, and Newton, have codified cottage food operations in their city codes, and Cambridge is the latest to begin allowing these types of operations. Our focus this coming year could very well be in policy advocacy. AmoraClean co-op- the ladies are taking a break the last two weeks in December. We had a meeting with them right before Christmas to talk about all the accomplishments this year and what is next for the new year. The logistics co-op- (Blue arrow, Red Arrow) - - We are closing out the year with another possible member that will be joining. Carlos Aristegui. - We have also signed them up for Bookkeeping and Excel and computer classes with the Center for Changing Lives. They will be starting at the end of January of 2025. - We realize that we still have another 6 months with them before their business can be launched. The financial structure still needs to happen. We currently do not have any more funding to continue. We will have to sit down and come up with a creative strategy as to how we are going to move forward. - Workshops - We concluded with workshops this year. The co-op staff will be taking a 2 week break and return in January to restart the workshops for co-ops.
What constraints or limitations, if any, did you experience in the last reporting period?
It was a short month due to the holidays and people taking vacations.
What opportunities, if any, did you take advantage of in the last reporting period?
We have taken the opportunity to rest and recharge and reflect on the things that we have accomplished and the things that could have been better. We also are taking this period to recharge and be ready for the battles ahead in the next four years.
Did you establish new CWB relationships/partnerships in the last reporting period?
Please describe the relationships you established pertaining to your CWB work.
We have a meeting pending with Claudia Espinel. We will be planning strategically to collaborate this next year. Ashley Ver Beek who will be conducting interviews with the co-ops and will be taking back the reports and that's to better understand how and what kind of assistance is needed.
Did you collaborate with other TA providers in the last reporting period?
Which TA provider(s) did you work with?
Please share on behalf of whom / which projects you collaborated with the TA providers above:
Did you attend the Working Group meeting last month?
How would you rate the usefulness of the working group to your project last month? (on a scale of 1-5)
Optional Space
Community Area(s) (select all that apply)
Community Area | Participants Served in this Community Area |
East Side | 2 |
Race / Ethnicity of Participants (select all that apply)
Gender identity of Participants (select all that apply)
Age Range of Participants (select all that apply)
How many sessions of one-on-one consulting to Worker Cooperatives, Conversions, or Co-op Developers did you conduct this reporting period? (e.g. one group or individual with one training provider)?
How many group workshops for Worker Cooperatives, Conversions, or Co-op Developers did you conduct this reporting period? (e.g. convenings, workshops, events, etc.)
How many hours of support to CWB Pre-Development Worker Cooperatives, Conversions, or Co-op Developers did you provide this reporting period?
How many hours of support to existing Worker Cooperatives, Conversions, or Co-op Developers did you provide this reporting period?
How many co-op businesses did you develop last reporting period? (It's okay if the answer is 0)
How many jobs were created overall last reporting period? (It's okay if the answer is 0)
Please list the Worker Cooperatives, Conversions, or Co-op Developers Organizations you worked with this reporting period.
What type(s) of Technical Assistance did you provide to Worker Cooperatives, Conversions, or Co-op Developers this reporting period? Select all that apply.
Did you provide education to any Worker Cooperatives, Conversions, or Co-op Developers this reporting period?
How many hours of cohort education/training did you provide last month?
How many hours of popular education/outreach did you provide last month?
Number of curriculum material(s) created last month
How did you market your services and conduct outreach in the last reporting period? Select all that apply.
What are the greatest needs that your WC clients/partners expressed in this reporting period?
Funding for the incubator
What are the greatest gaps in service or resources in Chicago's CWB ecosystem?
Policy advocacy
Please share any direct testimonials from Worker Cooperatives, Conversions, or Co-op Developers clients or storytelling about the impact of your work this period:
Please upload media (document with testimonials, photos, or video links) from WC workshops or events held.
Did your organization provide any additional TA support this reporting period that was NOT covered in the previous tabs?
Please describe the type(s) of organizations you supported (i.e. nonprofits, business service orgs, etc.)
How many total organizations or entities did you support (that were not covered in the previous tabs)?
How many total hours of support did you provide to these organizations?
Please share any other relevant details about the support you provided these organizations: