CCWBE Report

Lawndale Christian Development Corporation
Reporting Period:
Dec 2024
Submitted on:
January 14, 2025
Submitted By:
Whittney Smith

TA Providers: General Questions

CWB Goals

Please provide a brief update on your progress toward your proposed CWB goals in the last reporting period:

During this recent reporting period the following progress has been made: LCDC Co-op entered its second month working with external consultants to grow and expand its back office support services. The collaboration has thus far yielded a city wide resource guide that highlights resources and needed vendors to supplement LCDC Co-ops services. Lifting Lawndale's subsidiary Chicago Chocolate Rebellion (CCR) filed for its cottage industry license with LCDC's support and guidance. We are anticipating it becoming licensed in the coming days and able to then begin manufacturing its products for wide spread sale and distribution.

What constraints or limitations, if any, did you experience in the last reporting period?

We have been constrained by the transition of some of our staff which I anticipate remaining until we are able to hire in the new year. Also, we applied and were turned down for additional grant resources for the expansion of our co-op work. We continue to pursue new funds and would welcome support in this space.

What opportunities, if any, did you take advantage of in the last reporting period?

We continue to network with other CWEB grantees and city leaders in this space by attending their events and inviting them to collaborate in North Lawndale.

Chicago CWB Ecosystem

Did you establish new CWB relationships/partnerships in the last reporting period?


Please describe the relationships you established pertaining to your CWB work.

Did you collaborate with other TA providers in the last reporting period?


Which TA provider(s) did you work with?

East Freeman & Main

Please share on behalf of whom / which projects you collaborated with the TA providers above:

We are partnered to amplify our ability to scale the incubated worker co-ops to enable them to become leaseholders in LCDC commercial real estate development projects within the neighborhood. We are working together to achieve the following objectives: ● Assess technical assistance needs for the existing COOP businesses. ● Identify existing providers, resources, and other strategic partners/ service delivery partners operating within the LCDC geographic area. ● Develop an implementation plan for expanding our TA ecosystem, including goals, success measurement strategies, budget, and other operational considerations. ● Develop a strategy for expanding the ecosystem to support other ( non co-op) small businesses in the North Lawndale neighborhood. ● Develop a strategy for partnering with other mission-aligned asset owners to expand the technical services ecosystem as part of the growth of LCDC’ asset management fee for service offerings.

Did you attend the Working Group meeting last month?


How would you rate the usefulness of the working group to your project last month? (on a scale of 1-5)

5 extremely useful

Optional Space

Demographic Data

Community Area(s) (select all that apply)

Community Area Participants Served in this Community Area
North Lawndale 20


Race / Ethnicity of Participants (select all that apply)



Gender identity of Participants (select all that apply)



Age Range of Participants (select all that apply)

25 to 34
35 to 49
50 to 64


Worker Coop Work

How many sessions of one-on-one consulting to Worker Cooperatives, Conversions, or Co-op Developers did you conduct this reporting period? (e.g. one group or individual with one training provider)?



How many group workshops for Worker Cooperatives, Conversions, or Co-op Developers did you conduct this reporting period? (e.g. convenings, workshops, events, etc.)



How many hours of support to CWB Pre-Development Worker Cooperatives, Conversions, or Co-op Developers did you provide this reporting period?



How many hours of support to existing Worker Cooperatives, Conversions, or Co-op Developers did you provide this reporting period?



How many co-op businesses did you develop last reporting period? (It's okay if the answer is 0)



How many total owners / founders were there in these businesses?



How many jobs were created overall last reporting period? (It's okay if the answer is 0)



Please list the Worker Cooperatives, Conversions, or Co-op Developers Organizations you worked with this reporting period.

LCDC Cooperative Incubator


What type(s) of Technical Assistance did you provide to Worker Cooperatives, Conversions, or Co-op Developers this reporting period? Select all that apply.


Did you provide education to any Worker Cooperatives, Conversions, or Co-op Developers this reporting period?



What are the greatest needs that your WC clients/partners expressed in this reporting period?

assistance through licensing and insurance processes


What are the greatest gaps in service or resources in Chicago's CWB ecosystem?



Please share any direct testimonials from Worker Cooperatives, Conversions, or Co-op Developers clients or storytelling about the impact of your work this period:


Please upload media (document with testimonials, photos, or video links) from WC workshops or events held.


Additional TA Support

Did your organization provide any additional TA support this reporting period that was NOT covered in the previous tabs?



Please describe the type(s) of organizations you supported (i.e. nonprofits, business service orgs, etc.)

cooperative businesses


How many total organizations or entities did you support (that were not covered in the previous tabs)?



How many total hours of support did you provide to these organizations?



Please share any other relevant details about the support you provided these organizations: