CCWBE Report

Jumpstart Housing Cooperative
Reporting Period:
Apr 2024
Submitted on:
April 28, 2024
Submitted By:
Camille Kerr

Pre-Development Projects

Project Goals

What proportion of Goal 1 overall is complete at this point?


What are the barriers and opportunities for completion that impacted goal 1 in the last month?

We continue to meet weekly to learn from each other, build skills in collective decision-making and conflict resolution.

What proportion of Goal 2 overall is complete at this point?


What are the barriers and opportunities for completion that you impacted goal 2 in the last month?

We have continued to refine our financial projections and manage our financial reporting. There have been some great new resources in the ecosystem that may help us retire our short-term debt and achieve long-term sustainability.

What proportion of Goal 3 overall is complete at this point?


What are the barriers and opportunities for completion that you impacted goal 3 in the last month?

We are fully in the building with construction complete. We are now developing tools for ongoing maintenance and have found a few really good resources to support our property management calendar.

CWB Ecosystem

Did you access Technical Assistance for your CWB project last month?


Which TA provider(s) did you work with within the Phase I CWEB grantees?

TA Provider Hours Spent Satisfaction

Chicago Community Loan Fund


Very satisfied

Which TA providers did you work with OUTSIDE of the Phase I CWEB grantees?

TA Provider Hours Spent Satisfaction

UChicago Transactional Housing Clinic


Very satisfied

Did someone from your organization attend the Working Group this month?


How would you rate the usefulness of the working group to your project last month? (on a scale of 1-5)

Very useful

How would you rate the usefulness of the Working Group for building community?

Very useful

What have been the two most valuable contributions of the Working Group this month?


Please share any comments about the working group meetings.

How many TOTAL housing units did you preserve or create last month? (it is okay if the answer is zero)


How many TOTAL CWB businesses did you develop last month? (it is okay if the answer is zero)


Community Engagement

Number of stakeholder meetings held related to your Pre-Development Project?


Number of community meetings attended last month related to your Pre-Development Project?


Organizational Capacity

Service / Capacity

Service Capacity

Accounting & Financial Management



1 limited ability

Conflict Resolution


Cooperative Development and Operations

5 extensive ability

Education & Training

3 some ability

Fundraising or Raising Capital


Governance / Legal

5 extensive ability

Marketing & Communications

1 limited ability



Project Management


Real Estate Acquisition & Development


Relationship Building

5 extensive ability


3 some ability

Other (please describe and include ranking)

What constraints or limitations with internal capacity is the organizarion experiencing related to its Pre-Development Project?

We are looking to start our second acquisition process, but are limited by the time / capacity available to at cooperative development partners at Upside Down Consulting.

What opportunities, if any, did the organization take advantage of related to its Pre-Development Project?

We are excited to be talking to CCLF about a number of potential funding and partnership opportunities!

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