Informe CCWBE

El proyecto de resurrección
Período de información:
Oct 2023
Enviado el:
noviembre 3, 2023
Presentado por:
Kristen Komara

Proveedores de asistencia técnica: preguntas generales

Objetivos de la CWB

Proporcione una breve actualización sobre su progreso hacia las metas propuestas por la CWB en el último período del informe:

During the month of October, The Resurrection Project made progress towards it proposed goals to (1) develop an educational curriculum for coop buyers, and (2) develop a share loan product for individual coop buyers. Activities towards these goals included: we consulted with Upside Down Consulting and LEAF Fund's Mary Wong, senior loan officer and Josh Glickenhouse, director of lending and operations. We also met with Alex Cabral, Innovative finance senior principal of Grounded Solutions Network. We met with a group in Little Village for a listening session regarding their specific needs such as a product that is and ITIN friendly. We had the chance to provide an education presentation to residents of a cooperative housing community about financial education and shared information about limited equity housing cooperatives. To aid in the development of the share loan, we enlisted the help of several individuals/entities, including staff at UHAB who provide share loans in NYC. UHAB will be assisting TRP by sharing loan documents and some of their loan procedures. We also met with Fatima Perez and Bob Dickinson who both have more than 20 years of title experience, including closing share loans, and Frank Binetti, a lender with CIBM mortgage. What we have learned is that there are very few individuals (even within institutions that offer share loans) who have personal experience with them. Kristen Komara had the attended the annual OFN conference in DC earlier in the month. There, she connected with several individuals doing noteworthy work in the coop space, including Ja’Net Defell and Margaret Lund. Margaret developed a share loan product for the Minneapolis market years ago and has agreed to offer support to TRP.

¿Qué restricciones o limitaciones, si las hubo, experimentó en el último período del informe?

The Resurrection Project has been actively researching and collaborating with various lenders and cooperative professionals to develop a loan product and associated documentation. We have gathered relevant documentation but there is still more to be found. As noted above, a limitation is the limited availability of share loans and individuals who have experience with them. Thankfully, we believe we have connected with knowledgeable individuals who will aid in the development of our product.

¿Qué oportunidades, si las hubo, aprovechó en el último período del informe?

1. Housing Cooperatives: The organization met with representatives from two housing cooperatives. This indicates a commitment to working closely with existing cooperative housing communities, to share knowledge and resources. 2. Cooperative Housing Education: During these meetings, The Resurrection Project provided education and information about cooperative housing. This suggests a focus on raising awareness and sharing expertise in this area. 3. Financial Wellness Presentations: In addition to housing education, the organization also delivered presentations on financial wellness. This could include guidance on managing finances, credit, and other aspects of personal financial well-being. 4. Little Village Group: The organization had a meeting with a group from Little Village, which is collaborating with The Resurrection Project's Realty department to identify a building for their own cooperative housing project. This partnership implies support for new cooperative housing initiatives. 5. ITIN Lending Product: The Little Village group shared specific needs, including a request for an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) lending product. ITIN lending is a financial service designed for individuals who may not have a Social Security Number (SSN). This indicates a willingness to adapt financial products to meet the unique needs of the community. 6. The Resurrection Project is engaging with housing cooperatives and community groups to provide education, support, and tailored financial products that meet the unique needs of the community. We met with our colleagues, Peter Dean and Andrew Richer from UHAB, Mark Smithvias, from Sol House to share and direct the research and networking of our resource partners and to provide updates and make connections. 7. OFN Annual Conference: Kristen Komara attended the OFN conference, the leading conference for CDFI professionals. There she connected with other CDFI lenders and professionals working on programs for shared ownership.

Ecosistema CWB de Chicago

¿Estableció nuevas relaciones/asociaciones de CWB en el último período del informe?

Describa las relaciones que estableció en relación con su trabajo en CWB.

The Resurrection Project has been very proactive in building and nurturing relationships while promoting the concepts of shared equity, community land trusts, housing cooperatives, and their role in community wealth building. 1. Engagement and Education: The organization has actively engaged with various individuals and groups, holding listening sessions and providing education about shared equity, community land trusts, and housing cooperatives. This indicates a commitment to raising awareness and fostering understanding about these concepts. 2. Community Wealth Building: The emphasis on how these housing and cooperative models fit into community wealth building suggests a broader strategy for long-term economic empowerment and improvement in the community. 3. Network of Consultants and Leads: The organization has successfully established a network of consultants and leads across the country. This network consists of experts and individuals who can provide guidance, support, and resources related to the organization's initiatives. 4. Resource Sharing: The organization is actively encouraging resource sharing and facilitating connections among its network members. This collaborative approach allows for the exchange of valuable information and tools. 5. Relationship Nurturing: The Resurrection Project is committed to nurturing these relationships by staying in touch, checking in frequently, and sharing updates. This ongoing communication is essential for maintaining strong, mutually beneficial connections. The Resurrection Project's approach shows a dedication to community building, education, and collaboration with a diverse network of individuals and organizations to further their goals in community wealth building and housing initiatives.

¿Colaboró con otros proveedores de asistencia técnica en el último período del informe?

¿Con qué proveedores de asistencia técnica trabajó?

Camille Kerr, Mark Smithvias, Peter Dean and Andrew Reicher

Comparta en nombre de quién/qué proyectos colaboró con los proveedores de asistencia técnica mencionados anteriormente:

lending models, networking resources to find a lending product that may already existed. We also discussed procurement, language support needs, and future steps.

¿Asistió a la reunión del Grupo de Trabajo el mes pasado?

¿Cómo calificaría la utilidad del grupo de trabajo para su proyecto el mes pasado? (en una escala del 1 al 5)

5 extremely useful

Espacio Opcional

Datos demográficos

Identidad de género de los participantes (seleccione todas las que correspondan)



Rango de edad de los participantes (seleccione todos los que correspondan)

18 to 24
35 a 49
25 a 34


Las cooperativas de vivienda de capital limitado funcionan

¿Cuántas sesiones de consultoría individual para Cooperativas de Vivienda de Equidad Limitada (LEHC, por sus siglas en inglés) realizó en este período del informe? (por ejemplo, un grupo o individuo con un proveedor de capacitación)?



¿Cuántos talleres grupales para Cooperativas de Vivienda de Capital Limitado realizó durante este período del informe? (por ejemplo, convocatorias, talleres, eventos, etc.) 



¿Cuántas horas de apoyo a las Cooperativas de Vivienda de Equidad Limitada de Pre-Desarrollo de CWB brindó en este período de informe?



¿Cuántas horas de apoyo a las cooperativas de vivienda de capital limitado existentes brindó durante este período de informe?



Enumere los LEHC con los que trabajó durante este período de informe.

Cooperativa de Vivienda La Villita
Pilsen Housing Cooperative (PIHCO) - 18th & Peoria
Cooperativa de vivienda Jumpstart


¿Qué tipo(s) de asistencia técnica proporcionó a los LEHC en este período del informe? Seleccione todas las que correspondan.


Número de unidades de vivienda ASEQUIBLE conservadas o desarrolladas este período



Número de unidades de vivienda ASEQUIBLEs agregadas a la cartera en este período



¿Proporcionó educación a algún LEHC durante este período del informe?


¿Cuántas horas de educación/capacitación de grupo proporcionó el mes pasado?



¿Cuántas horas de educación popular/divulgación brindó el mes pasado?



Número de materiales curriculares creados el mes pasado



¿Cómo comercializó sus servicios y realizó actividades de divulgación en el último período del informe? Seleccione todas las que correspondan.

Marketing boca a boca





¿Cuáles son las mayores necesidades que sus clientes/socios de LEHC expresaron en este período de informe?

Access to loan products and ITIN friendly products.


¿Cuáles son las mayores brechas en servicios o recursos en el ecosistema CWB de Chicago?

Access to housing cooperative share loans and prequalification due to poor to no credit and immigration status. Additionally, there are few individuals and lenders who have knowledge and personal experience with share loans for housing coops.


Comparta cualquier testimonio directo de clientes de LEHC o narraciones sobre el impacto de su trabajo durante este período:

All the folks we spoke to expressed knowing more about how to procure, borrow, and structure their co-operatives in a substantial way.


Cargue medios (documentos con testimonios, fotografías o enlaces de videos) de los talleres o eventos de LEHC realizados.