Informe CCWBE

El proyecto de resurrección
Período de información:
julio – septiembre de 2023
Enviado el:
octubre 13, 2023
Presentado por:
Kristen Komara

Proveedores de asistencia técnica: preguntas generales

Objetivos de la CWB

Proporcione una breve actualización sobre su progreso hacia las metas propuestas por la CWB en el último período del informe:

During this reporting period, The Resurrection Project (TRP) has been able to convene with our CCWB network partners, community stakeholders, cooperative housing members, existing cooperatives, and consulting as we furthered defined our scope of work and began to plan activities toward our proposed CWB goals. An important milestone was met in September when we hired Ray Arroyo as the Program Manager for Housing Cooperatives. We feel positive about the progress we have made toward our goals, which include the development of a housing cooperative share loan product and building a pipeline of buyer-ready cooperative candidates.

¿Qué restricciones o limitaciones, si las hubo, experimentó en el último período del informe?

One major challenge we have identified is the lack of share loans and share loan resources in Chicago for cooperative buyers. Not only is there a lack of share loan lending, there are few people, organizations, and institutions that have expertise on the topic. To address this challenge, we have been resourceful and persistent in our search for information. We have tapped into the housing cooperative network, identifying key relationships and resources along the way. Additionally, the trend we have identified is the need for financial wellness education for prospective cooperative buyers. Folks are struggling to manage their income and need financial stabilization. Many interested folks also have zero to low percentage of credit history, which prevents them from accessing lending products. Ineligibility because of legal status is also another big barrier for folks who are undocumented or have not received their ITIN numbers or work permits. There is also a lack of community level resources for housing cooperatives, such as. These resources are grants, and supporting programs that can help address the financial challenges faced by potential cooperative housing participants.

¿Qué oportunidades, si las hubo, aprovechó en el último período del informe?

We attended the launch gathering to meet our partners and collaborators in our network. We have also met with partners, including PIHCO, Fresh-Start, UHAB, and CWBE partner leads. We have also engaged with community partners and professionals who are experienced and knowledgeable in cooperative housing, including staff from CCLF. This engagement involved discussions, sharing of insights, and exploring potential collaboration opportunities. Finally, we are in the process of finalizing TRP’s HUD Community Project Funding grant, which awarded $1M to TRP for share loan capital and $1M to PIHCO for building acquisition. We look forward to executing that contract and incorporating those grant activities into our housing cooperative initiative.

Ecosistema CWB de Chicago

¿Estableció nuevas relaciones/asociaciones de CWB en el último período del informe?

Describa las relaciones que estableció en relación con su trabajo en CWB.

TRP has been expanding its network and engaging with various organizations, consultants, and partners in cooperative housing. Here is a breakdown of the connections and interactions pertaining to our CWB work: With our headquarters in Pilsen, TRP has been in relationship with PIHCO for many years, including a recent grant collaboration where TRP and PIHCO were awarded a $2M HUD Community Project Funding (CPF) grant. More recently, We met with PIHCO representatives for cooperative housing resources, advance our plan to develop share loans, and finalize our CPF grant. We have also established communication and networking with Sol House. This is may be another organization or entity with relevance significance to the cooperative housing field, and TRP is actively engaging and establishing 'communicationand networking with Sol House. This is another orgaanization with significance to the cooperative housing field, and trp is actively engagning and establish working relations with Sol House. TRP also consulted with Upside Down consulting for more information regarding policy and sharing tenant bylaws examples used in the city. TRP has also received various referrals from other partners and has established a contact base and check in with them. Additionally, we are working hard to activate other established relationships with housing cooperative players, including CCLF (David Feinberg), UHAB, Center for Shared Ownership, Chicago Rehab Network (Rachel Johnston), Shared Capital Cooperative (Mark Fick), and the Little Village Cooperative (Robin Semer), among others.

¿Colaboró con otros proveedores de asistencia técnica en el último período del informe?

¿Con qué proveedores de asistencia técnica trabajó?

David Feinberg, CCLF TA provider

Comparta en nombre de quién/qué proyectos colaboró con los proveedores de asistencia técnica mencionados anteriormente:

TRP consulted with David regarding lending resource knowledge, guidance and connections to other key partners who will support us in identifying and formalizing a share loan product.

¿Asistió a la reunión del Grupo de Trabajo el mes pasado?

¿Cómo calificaría la utilidad del grupo de trabajo para su proyecto el mes pasado? (en una escala del 1 al 5)

5 extremadamente útiles

Espacio Opcional

Datos demográficos

Identidad de género de los participantes (seleccione todas las que correspondan)



Rango de edad de los participantes (seleccione todos los que correspondan)

25 a 34


Las cooperativas de vivienda de capital limitado funcionan

¿Cuántas sesiones de consultoría individual para Cooperativas de Vivienda de Equidad Limitada (LEHC, por sus siglas en inglés) realizó en este período del informe? (por ejemplo, un grupo o individuo con un proveedor de capacitación)?



¿Cuántos talleres grupales para Cooperativas de Vivienda de Capital Limitado realizó durante este período del informe? (por ejemplo, convocatorias, talleres, eventos, etc.) 



¿Cuántas horas de apoyo a las Cooperativas de Vivienda de Equidad Limitada de Pre-Desarrollo de CWB brindó en este período de informe?



¿Cuántas horas de apoyo a las cooperativas de vivienda de capital limitado existentes brindó durante este período de informe?



Enumere los LEHC con los que trabajó durante este período de informe.

Cooperativa de Vivienda La Villita
Cooperativa Logan Square
Pilsen Housing Cooperative (PIHCO) - 18th & Peoria
Cooperativa de vivienda Jumpstart


¿Qué tipo(s) de asistencia técnica proporcionó a los LEHC en este período del informe? Seleccione todas las que correspondan.


Número de unidades de vivienda ASEQUIBLE conservadas o desarrolladas este período



Número de unidades de vivienda ASEQUIBLEs agregadas a la cartera en este período



¿Proporcionó educación a algún LEHC durante este período del informe?



¿Cuáles son las mayores necesidades que sus clientes/socios de LEHC expresaron en este período de informe?

Readily accessible loan products.


¿Cuáles son las mayores brechas en servicios o recursos en el ecosistema CWB de Chicago?

he need for readily accessible share loan products, and affordability challenges faced by prospective housing cooperative buyers and Access to housing cooperative share loans and prequalification due to poor to no credit history and immigration status. Additionally, there are few individuals and lenders who have knowledge in this area.


Comparta cualquier testimonio directo de clientes de LEHC o narraciones sobre el impacto de su trabajo durante este período:

When TRP started thinking about housing cooperatives more than three years ago, we understood there was a need for share loans in Chicago and we thought there was a role for TRP as a CDFI. Today, as we dive into this work more deeply, the need for share loans is felt even more acutely. We heard this from partners at CCLF who provide housing cooperative umbrella loans, but not individual share loans. We heard it from housing cooperative organizers at PIHCO and La Villita Housing Cooperative who are working with low-income residents, many of whom are immigrants. And we heard it from housing cooperative experts at UHAB, Shared Capital Cooperative, and Center for Shared Ownership who have long recognized this gap in the housing cooperative ecosystem. We are happy to be working in this space and look forward to developing as needed loan product. With 33 years of experience providing homeownership and financial education, TRP is excited to contribute to the coop ecosystem.


Cargue medios (documentos con testimonios, fotografías o enlaces de videos) de los talleres o eventos de LEHC realizados.