CCWBE Report

UIC Law - Community Enterprise & Solidarity Economy Clinic (CESEC)
Reporting Period:
Oct 2023
Submitted on:
November 21, 2023
Submitted By:
Renee Hatcher

TA Providers: General Questions

CWB Goals

Please provide a brief update on your progress toward your proposed CWB goals in the last reporting period:

CESEC continued to meet with and counsel clients on a range of issues including legal structuring, governance documents, and contract drafting. The clinic continues to work with twelve (12) CWB enterprises, including four (4) CWB pre-development grantees. Next month, we anticipate finalizes several deliverables for these enterprises and holding a number of final counseling meetings.

What constraints or limitations, if any, did you experience in the last reporting period?

The primary constraint has been the limited capacity of clients to meet on a regular basis.

What opportunities, if any, did you take advantage of in the last reporting period?

The CESEC Director attended both the worker cooperative working group meeting and the housing cooperative meeting last month. The CESEC Director also attended a community meeting of worker cooperative stakeholders hosted by the Coop Ed Center. CESEC has started to recruit new clients to onboard in early January.

Chicago CWB Ecosystem

Did you establish new CWB relationships/partnerships in the last reporting period?


Please describe the relationships you established pertaining to your CWB work.

Did you collaborate with other TA providers in the last reporting period?


Which TA provider(s) did you work with?


Please share on behalf of whom / which projects you collaborated with the TA providers above:

CESEC collaborate with the UIC Hub to present a framework for worker cooperative development at the October worker cooperative meeting.

Did you attend the Working Group meeting last month?


How would you rate the usefulness of the working group to your project last month? (on a scale of 1-5)

5 extremely useful

Optional Space

Demographic Data

Gender identity of Participants (select all that apply)



Age Range of Participants (select all that apply)

25 to 34
50 to 64
35 to 49


Worker Coop Work

How many sessions of one-on-one consulting to Worker Cooperatives, Conversions, or Co-op Developers did you conduct this reporting period? (e.g. one group or individual with one training provider)?



How many group workshops for Worker Cooperatives, Conversions, or Co-op Developers did you conduct this reporting period? (e.g. convenings, workshops, events, etc.)



How many hours of support to CWB Pre-Development Worker Cooperatives, Conversions, or Co-op Developers did you provide this reporting period?



How many hours of support to existing Worker Cooperatives, Conversions, or Co-op Developers did you provide this reporting period?



How many co-op businesses did you develop last reporting period? (It's okay if the answer is 0)



How many jobs were created overall last reporting period? (It's okay if the answer is 0)



Please list the Worker Cooperatives, Conversions, or Co-op Developers Organizations you worked with this reporting period.

HAZ Cooperative Studios
LCDC Cooperative Incubator
Cooperation Racine


What type(s) of Technical Assistance did you provide to Worker Cooperatives, Conversions, or Co-op Developers this reporting period? Select all that apply.


Did you provide education to any Worker Cooperatives, Conversions, or Co-op Developers this reporting period?



What are the greatest needs that your WC clients/partners expressed in this reporting period?

governance and structuring legal support, wrap around support, immediate brief advice on a range of topics


What are the greatest gaps in service or resources in Chicago's CWB ecosystem?

financial modeling, feasibility pro forma, bookkeeping, accounting


Please share any direct testimonials from Worker Cooperatives, Conversions, or Co-op Developers clients or storytelling about the impact of your work this period:


Please upload media (document with testimonials, photos, or video links) from WC workshops or events held.


Limited Equity Housing Coops Work

How many sessions of one-on-one consulting to Limited Equity Housing Cooperatives (LEHCs) did you conduct this reporting period? (e.g. one group or individual with one training provider)?



How many group workshops for Limited Equity Housing Cooperatives did you conduct this reporting period? (e.g. convenings, workshops, events, etc.) 



How many hours of support to CWB Pre-Development Limited Equity Housing Cooperatives did you provide this reporting period?



How many hours of support to existing Limited Equity Housing Cooperatives did you provide this reporting period?



Please list the LEHCs you worked with this reporting period.

La Villita Housing Cooperative


What type(s) of Technical Assistance did you provide to LEHCs this reporting period? Select all that apply.


Number of AFFORDABLE housing units preserved or developed this period



Number of AFFORDABLE housing units added to the pipeline this period



Did you provide education to any LEHCs this reporting period?



What are the greatest needs that your LEHC clients/partners expressed in this reporting period?

wrap around services, financial consultations


What are the greatest gaps in service or resources in Chicago's CWB ecosystem?

additional support regarding the financial projections for pr4e-development LEHC


Please share any direct testimonials from LEHC clients or storytelling about the impact of your work this period:


Please upload media (document with testimonials, photos, or video links) from LEHC workshops or events held.


Community Land Trusts Work

How many sessions of one-on-one consulting to Community Land Trusts (CLTs) did you conduct this reporting period? (e.g. one group or individual with one training provider)?



How many group workshops for CLTs did you conduct this reporting period? (e.g. convenings, workshops, events, etc.) 



How many hours of support to CWB Pre-Development Community Land Trusts did you provide this reporting period?



How many hours of support to existing Community Land Trusts did you provide this reporting period?



Please list the CLTs you worked with this reporting period.



What type(s) of Technical Assistance did you provide to CLTs this reporting period? Select all that apply.


Number of AFFORDABLE housing units preserved or developed this period



Number of AFFORDABLE housing units added to the pipeline this period



Did you provide education to any CLTs this reporting period?



What are the greatest needs that your CLT clients/partners expressed in this reporting period?

guidance on CLT start-up process


What are the greatest gaps in service or resources in Chicago's CWB ecosystem?

CLT organizers, CLT portfolio manager


Please share any direct testimonials from CLT clients or storytelling about the impact of your work this period:


Please upload media (document with testimonials, photos, or video links) from CLT workshops or events held.