Feb 2024
3 月 1, 2024

TA 提供商:一般问题

CWB 目标

请简要介绍一下上一报告期内您提议的 CWB 目标的进展情况:

The Resurrection Project continues to work on finalizing its share loan product. In February, The Resurrection Project produced 4 education workshop curriculums to prepare for the launch of our educational and info workshops for current and prospective cooperative housing members. We also continue to engage with our partners and stakeholders to be sure we are up-to-date and informed about our shared progress. Finally, we recently learned that we will be partnering with the City of Chicago to administer Track 1 of its Shared Equity Investment Program. This is not public and will be announced once we are further along in the contracting process.


We didn’t encounter any barriers aside from the development of the share loan product. During this time, we zoomed into the educational components. We continue to participate in the UHAB Incubation sessions and stay connected to our partners, stakeholders, and colleagues.


We had the opportunity to initiate conversations regarding the educational Co-op workshop content with the help of Robin Semer and Mark Smithivas. Irma Figueroa and Jose Lepez from our lending department participated in the incubation session. Due to scheduling conflicts, we had to miss the rescheduled incubation session scheduled for 2/26/2024. Despite this absence, we remain committed to the incubation series and consulting with professionals who can help us structure the content effectively and culturally relevant. We also attended the CWB Housing Cooperatives with Long-Cooperative Term Affordability monthly working session and the Housing Taskforce meeting on 2/29.

芝加哥 CWB 生态系统

您在上一报告期内是否建立了新的 CWB 关系/伙伴关系?


请描述您与 CWB 工作建立的关系。

Yes, we worked with Anya Irons from UHAB, Jeffrey Leslie from UofC Law, Docia Buffington, Linda Lutton, from PIHCO, Richard Stillman and Miranda Alexander from the UIC Law Clinic, Steven Miller, Kevin Jackson from Chicago Rehab, Calvin Holmes from CCLF and Rachel Johnston from Chicago Rehab. We convened with the group of experts to discuss TRP/PIHCO/UofC Law to review loan documentation, with a follow-up meeting to come in March. We also worked with these partners for training on the housing cooperative with long term affordability working session.

在上一报告期内您是否与其他 TA 提供商合作?

您与哪家 TA 提供商合作?

请分享您代表谁/哪些项目与上述 TA 提供商进行了合作:



您如何评价上个月工作组对您项目的实用性?(以 1-5 为标准)





社区区 此社区区域服务的参与者
南朗代尔 1









50 至 64


Limited Equity Housing Coops Work

How many sessions of one-on-one consulting to Limited Equity Housing Cooperatives (LEHCs) did you conduct this reporting period? (e.g. one group or individual with one training provider)?



How many group workshops for Limited Equity Housing Cooperatives did you conduct this reporting period? (e.g. convenings, workshops, events, etc.) 



How many hours of support to CWB Pre-Development Limited Equity Housing Cooperatives did you provide this reporting period?



How many hours of support to existing Limited Equity Housing Cooperatives did you provide this reporting period?



Please list the LEHCs you worked with this reporting period.

Pilsen Housing Cooperative (PIHCO) - 18th & Peoria


What type(s) of Technical Assistance did you provide to LEHCs this reporting period? Select all that apply.


Number of AFFORDABLE housing units preserved or developed this period



Number of AFFORDABLE housing units added to the pipeline this period



Did you provide education to any LEHCs this reporting period?


What are the greatest needs that your LEHC clients/partners expressed in this reporting period?

Access to share equity loan currently available


芝加哥 CWB 生态系统在服务或资源方面最大的差距是什么?

There is a great need for an in-person practice-based workshop to start absorbing and putting to use the knowledge we are gaining from the UHAB incubator and compliment the incubation sessions with actionable efforts to collaborate and study together with our peers.


Please share any direct testimonials from LEHC clients or storytelling about the impact of your work this period:


Please upload media (document with testimonials, photos, or video links) from LEHC workshops or events held.



贵组织在本报告期内是否提供了之前选项卡中未涵盖的任何额外 TA 支持?