请简要介绍一下上一报告期内您提议的 CWB 目标的进展情况:
LCDC is continually seeking opportunities to unify our cohorts and strengthen collaboration across all levels of engagement. Over the past month, we have made considerable progress in integrating Cohort 1 and Cohort 2 by facilitating joint meetings that foster synergy and shared learning. These meetings have allowed both cohorts to engage more actively with one another, creating a more cohesive group dynamic that leverages the experience of Cohort 1 members alongside the fresh perspectives of Cohort 2 participants. This synergy has been instrumental in driving our collective efforts to achieve community wealth-building goals, particularly within the Lifting Lawndale initiative. Additionally, as a culmination of our intensive summer canvassing efforts, we successfully hosted a Back to School Bash, which brought together the local community for a day of celebration and outreach. This event, supported by interns who participated in the canvassing, featured the distribution of backpacks filled with school supplies, as well as food, games, and live music. The Bash served not only as a community-building event but also as a way to further promote our cooperative workshops and other LCDC programs. The participation and energy from this event have set the stage for deeper community engagement as we head into the fall, with plans to convert the excitement from the Bash into ongoing involvement in our worker cooperative efforts.
LCDC experienced some constraints during the reporting period due to the demands of our intensive summer canvassing efforts. While these activities were essential for increasing community engagement and visibility, they significantly limited the time available to dedicate to critical programmatic development. The current size of our staff further compounded this challenge, as our administrative capacity is stretched thin. With a small team managing both day-to-day operations and outreach efforts, it has been difficult to consistently focus on building and refining programs on an ongoing basis. This constraint has highlighted the need for additional resources and staffing to balance outreach with the development of sustainable programs. Although our team is committed to delivering impactful services, the limited capacity has sometimes hindered our ability to expand or deepen certain initiatives. Going forward, we aim to explore strategies for streamlining administrative tasks and possibly securing additional funding or partnerships to support program development while continuing our essential community outreach.
LCDC effectively capitalized on the momentum generated by our summer canvassing efforts to begin designing a more targeted and structured post-canvassing outreach strategy. This new approach is aimed at converting the awareness and initial interest gained during canvassing into active participation in our worker cooperative workshops. The canvassing campaign provided valuable insights into community needs and engagement levels, which we are now leveraging to craft an outreach plan that directly funnels interested individuals into our cooperative development programs. Our objective is to build a repetitive, scalable outreach process that consistently delivers high-level results. By creating a streamlined and sustainable system, we aim to engage more members of the community on an ongoing basis, ensuring that our workshops continue to grow in participation and impact. This new outreach initiative will focus on maintaining the connections established during canvassing, offering personalized follow-ups, and creating continuous touchpoints with potential participants to foster deeper involvement in our worker cooperative efforts. Ultimately, we are committed to developing a robust pipeline that nurtures community members' interests and drives them toward active participation in our cooperative workshops and initiatives.
您在上一报告期内是否建立了新的 CWB 关系/伙伴关系?
请描述您与 CWB 工作建立的关系。
在上一报告期内您是否与其他 TA 提供商合作?
您与哪家 TA 提供商合作?
请分享您代表谁/哪些项目与上述 TA 提供商进行了合作:
您如何评价上个月工作组对您项目的实用性?(以 1-5 为标准)
5 非常有用
社区区 | 此社区区域服务的参与者 |
北朗代尔 | 15 |
本报告期内,您为 CWB 前期开发工人合作社、转换社或合作社开发商提供了多少小时的支持?
上一报告期您发展了多少家合作企业?(答 0 也可以)
上一报告期总共创造了多少个就业岗位?(答案为 0 也可以)
Lifting Lawndale Cooperative
您的 WC 客户/合作伙伴在本报告期内表达的最大需求是什么?
Expanding capital base to invest in worker cooperatives. Participants are brainstorming of ways to address this need.
芝加哥 CWB 生态系统在服务或资源方面最大的差距是什么?
请上传 WC 研讨会或举办的活动的媒体(带有推荐、照片或视频链接的文档)。
贵组织在本报告期内是否提供了之前选项卡中未涵盖的任何额外 TA 支持?